Environment Config

Setup Run Commands

In addition to supporting running projects directly in the terminal, Clacky CDE provides a Run Project button that allows you to run projects with a single click and output logs to the Console. The commands executed behind Run Project are configured and saved in the .1024 file.

.1024 Configuration file for project run commands, compilation and debug settings (optional); Any changes made will be auto-saved and take effect immediately.

When initializing a project, Clacky AI will automatically detect and configure the .1024 file parameters. Additionally, you can find the .1024 file in the file tree and edit it manually.


A valid .1024 file might look like this:

compile_command: go build -o myapp
run_command: ./myapp

A python project that doesn’t require compilation:

run_command: python main.py

A web service project that use pnpm and doesn’t require compilation:

run_command: pnpm run dev

Installing System Dependencies

In addition to using the pre-installed system dependencies, you can still use the following method to update, upgrade and add new system dependencies:

Use the sudo apt update or sudo apt install -y [package-name] command in the terminal to update and install additional dependencies.

Complete example:

# Update package list
sudo apt update

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y \
  build-essential \
  curl \
  wget \

After installation, verify with:

apt list --installed | grep [package-name]